Scorpene: Jasbir Singh’s exposes The Truth

Scorpene Jasbir SinghA few days ago the New Straits Times newspaper made a special story on the issue of Scorpene. The story was made public to answer all the accusation regarding the purchase of the Scorpene Submarine and also the murder of Altantuya. The truth has been overwhelmed by accusation and slander especially by the Malaysia’s human rights act movement SUARAM.

SUARAM and the opposition are still trying to look for the government fault in the Scorpene issue. Recently, SUARAM organized an Iftar programme themed by their slander on Scorpene. This is preposterous and sickening, as they invite the Muslims to break their fast in a sinful manner (listening to slander).

Thus, NST’s effort to address the issue by giving a complete and detail explanations regarding this issue is seen as an effective way to stop SUARAM from taking advantage of the gullible Malaysians.

For that particular reason, NST has interviewed Jasbir Sing Chahl, one of the key members who directly involve in the purchase of the said submarine. Jasbir Singh Chahl name have been used by SUARAM. They use his name in their publication by saying that Jasbir Singh Chahl is subpoena by the French courts. Jasbir denied all claims and said that he had never received any subpoena.

Now once more, Jasbir came out to explain everything that has been said by the government various times. Among the facts that was disclosed by Jasbir, is:

1.  Altantuya is not an interpreter, and his fluency in French is debatable and can’t be proven.

2. Those who were involved in the Scorpene dealings (including Jasbir) has never meet with Altantuya during the on-going business deal in the year 2000-2002).

3.  Altantuya never came to France, as what have been verified by the French police.

4.  Abdul Razak Baginda that was said to have been close to the Prime Minister and Altantuya, only meets the girl in the year 2004.

5.   Altantuya was murdered in 2006.

6.   The DCNS Company that supplies Scorpene to the country handles all of their business using the English language and they do not need any interpreter, let alone a Mongolian one.

7.   The Perimekar Company that is rumoured to have been linked with Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor is actually owned by KS Ombak Laut Sdn Bhd, LTAT and also Boustead.

8.   The Perimekar Company received payment for their logistic services, training and administration; this includes accommodation for 145 staff and 49 officers in France and Spain.

9.    The Perimekar Company has never receive any commission from Dato’ Seri Najib and this was proven in the audit where the after tax profit of the company is RM 105, 111,191.00 .

All the facts and numbers that is made public is to show that the government is truly transparent in dealing with the country’s money. Everything done is recorded and audited. However, this is not the same with SUARAM and the opposition reports, where the numbers their put, has not source or documentation what so ever. We do not have to be a genius to know who is telling the truth and who the liar is.

What interesting is that, Jasbir was said to have raised his voice during the interview because he was angry at the baseless accusation of the opposition. It is clear that as an experience professional and worked with business giants since in his 20’s, Jasbir felt unease for his name to be dragged into politics. Previously he worked in a defence and construction company in London and were involved with billions of dollars business deals. From there he established a good relationship with the contractor in Europe. He came back to Malaysia in 1981 before joining Thomson-CSF Internationals, a subsidiary company of Thales that brought him to the business of purchasing Scorpene for the government of Malaysia.

With Jasbir explanations, Malaysian must put an end to this “scandal”. Let SUARAM and the opposition carry on to spin this issue, it will not bring them anywhere except to flush out all of their financial funds.
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